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Good Morning MCC
Good Morning
Today's Seeds have arrived! Let's gift
the Seeds to 5 People you care about.
How are you today?
How is your day?
I'd like to know all about it!
Seed > Fruit > Token = Money
Gift friends and earn money
at the same time~
- You can gift
5 seeds every day
- You can gift
- Once you save 200Fruits,
it can be converted into a Token
- Once you save 200Fruits,
Token = Money
You can trade-in Tokens
for cash in an Exchange
Token = Money
Daily Mission
Receive Bonus Seeds By Completing Missions!
(Limit to once a day)
- Mission 1
Gift all 5 possible
seeds to friendsReceive Seed +1
- Mission 2
Update your mood in
How are you today?Receive Seed +1